Have you just bought a boat with badly tarnished mushroom vents? Give your boat a treat with this cleaning kit.
Special pack includes:
- Brass-mate (Polish)
- Brass-brite (Tarnish Remover)
- Weathermate-gel (Brass Protection)
- Gloves and cleaning cloth
- Step by step instructions
Everything you need to keep your boat looking pristine at a special discount price.
See the before and after photos of a customers mushrooms.
Step by step instructions for cleaning heavily soiled brass
Important notice always use protective gloves before using any cleaning materials (supplied in cleaning kit only)
Step one
First put a small amount of "miracle brass brite" into a ceramic container such as a small cup or mug then using a small paint brush apply to the soiled brass. for best results do a small area at a time, agitate lightly till the area is cleaned. then wash off with plenty of clean water to nutralise the acid and disperse the tarnish. then wipe with paper towel to dry.
Step two
Apply "brassmate" in a circular motion with the cotton stockinette (supplied in cleaning kit only) and gently polish to a shine, again do a small area at a time to obtain best results.
Step three
When your brass ware is clean you will need to protect it from the outside elements such as rain and atmospheric fallout by using "weather-mate gel" (shake well before use) this is a blend of waxes formulated to retard the tarnishing of clean brass. just put a small amount onto the clean brass and wipe with a tissue over whole area to form a fine wax membrane (but do not polish) this will protect it from the elements for up to 4 weeks. you will find that the brass will slowly dull down without tarinshing. when you come to re-polish the brass simply go back to step 2.
You do not need to use the gel on brass that is kept indoors as the shine from "brassmate" will hold up longer than many other brass cleaners.
Remember to store all cleaning materials in a cool dry place and away from children and pets.
(TIP; you can also use “Weather-Mate Gel” on leather shoes to keep out the water and also on plastic cratch covers to restore the suppleness and protect the seams)
See Cleaning tutorial on